Education at W.S.G. Isaac Newton

Welcome to the education section of W.S.G. Isaac Newton. The goal of our association is to promote the interests of our students in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Twente, in both informal and educational areas.

We therefore offer a variety of services to our members. Before the start of the quarter, it is possible to purchase the books you need with a discount. This is for both the bachelor- and master courses.

We also provide numerous study-related activities such as project nights, informative lectures and evaluation meetings.

One board member is specifically responsible for improving the quality of education, this is the Commissioner of Educational Affairs, Tom Bijwaard. He is always open to questions or complaints.

You can find Veerle in the Newtonroom, by sending a WhatsApp message to the Newtonphone (0623463530) or by sending an email to:

Tom bestuur 68


As a Newton member, you can borrow books from our collection. It is possible to borrow a book for one day, we only need your student card as a deposit. Want to borrow a book? Just go to the counter in the Newton room and ask one of our board members.

However there are several rules for borrowing a book, they are listed below.

1. The book(s) can only be borrowed when the Newton room is open (between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm.)

2. The book(s) have to be brought back before Newton closes (5 pm.)

4. You have to leave your student ID behind until you bring the book back.

Tom Bijwaard
Commissioner of Educational affairs 
​053 - 489 2531


Exam and summary database

We also provide a comprehensive database of exams for every subject given in the bachelor's and master's. Besides this, some summaries of subjects are also included in our database. Have you recently taken an exam or received the answers from an exam? Or have you made a summary for a subject? Submit the summary, question or answer sheet at Newton and receive a free cookie! 

Private Tutoring Platform

Finally, we provide a platform where you can find private tutors to help you pass your courses. When you find a tutor, you can contact the commissioner of educational affairs and she will get you into contact with your tutor. Further arrangements and payments are your responsibility. 

If you are interested in becoming a private tutor for a course and you have a 7.5 or higher for that course, also contact the commissioner of educational affairs.