
Bernd Boerma Voorzitter
Nathan Emanuel Djojomoenawie Kluskoning
Bas Huttenhuis Secretary
Niels Zandberg Treasurer
Meinte Wetering Chef Frituur
Erik van Dijk Grote speler
Lars de Haan Master of Gears
Roel Schoorlemmer Hovercraftsman
Kik Hoekjen Brokkenpiloot
Julia Goris Kluskoningin
Diewe de Jong Kluskoning
Rick Vlake Kluskoning
Wouter Hendriksen Beun Meister
Rik Kuiper Kluskoning
Luuk Vreeling Kluskoning
Guus van Sterkenburg Kluskoning
Koen de Rooij Kluskoning
Steyn Fokkema Brouwvakker

The PropulCie is working hard on their hovercraft. In the past two hovercrafts were flying, but at this point only one hovecraft is left and this is one is under construction. It would be really cool to have it flying again soon. If you want to help in this epic committee, contact a committee or board member.