Lucy Aarnink
Lucy Aarnink has been an honorary member of W.S.G. Isaac Newton since 1976. While having a demanding job, she still found the time to help out many boards of our association over many years. She did this through administrative help, counseling, advice and mental support. She also drew up the minutes of the meetings of W.S.G. Isaac Newton.
Harry Slaghuis
Since 1990 Harry Slaghuis has been an honorary member of W.S.G. Isaac Newton. Among other things, Harry has supported the creation of the anniversary almanac of 1990 as an editorial member. Besides this, he used to be a colleague of Hans Kamping at the Facility Service Centre. In this role he has been a tremendous help regarding a variety of practical matters which needed to be tackled in and around the Horst.
Hans Kamping
Hans Kamping became an honorary member in 2005. During his many years in service of the Facility Service Centre he helped the association in many occasions by acting as a last minute emergency response officer during the introduction weeks. Also, whenever there was furniture to be disposed by the faculty, Newton has been his first place to go ask if they needed any of the still perfectly usable units. Even after his retirement he has stayed involved in our association. Many of the photos of the have been made by him.
Jan Bossink
On the 25th of April 2007, Jan Bossink has been accepted as an honorary member of W.S.G. Isaac Newton. He has primarily been involved with some of the many construction projects of our association. By far his largest contribution has been towards the refurbishment of the nodding donkey (Jaknikker) which, thanks to him, still runs proudly behind the Horst. Besides these contributions, he has taken care of numerous lectures during parent days and shined his light on the purchase of the Newton van.
Leen Noordzij
Leen Noordzij has become an honorary member in 2011. Together with Anne van der Meer, and others, he founded W.S.G. Isaac Newton in 1965. As a board member of Principia he was one of the main contributors to the intensive collaboration between Principia and Isaac Newton. E.g. the Shadowing days where partially his idea and due to him the Green Team Twente can count on the support of both the alumni association and its member.
Anne van der Meer
In 2011 Anne van der Meer has become an honorary member. In 1965 Anne was one of the founders of W.S.G. Isaac Newton. Since a few years Anne has become active again at Newton. He is one of the creators of the shadowing days which are organized in collaboration with Principia. He has also contributed to the support of the alumni towards the Green Team Twente.
Peter van der Hoogt
Peter van der Hoogt has become an honorary member in 2003. Peter has been the main contributor to the anniversary play (lustrumtoneel) five times from 1985 to 2010. The anniversary play is a collaboration between teachers and students and has been one of the highlights of the five years anniversary activities for many years. During the organization of these plays, Peter has, over and over again, proven to be the main contributor to the writing, direction and production of the play. We were sorry to report the passing of Peter on may the 6th of 2013, Peter reached the age of 63.