Hankamp Rehab
Hankamp Rehab, founded in 2011, specializes in developing and distributing innovative rehabilitation products. Their mission is to enhance the quality of life for patients with acquired brain injuries and similar conditions.
During my assignment at Hankamp Rehab, I worked on improving the design of the T-grip. The T-grip is a robotic thumb exoskeleton which can restore the lateral pinch of patient who can not move their thumb. Thumb paralysis can be caused by for example a spinal cord injury or a acquired brain injury. Before my assignment the T-grip was fitted by eye. Therefore, the force exerted on the thumb and the maximal opening of the thumb and T-grip were not optimal for the patient. During my assignment I wrote an optimization program to determine the dimensions of the T-Grip, ensuring the device fit the patient while optimizing force, maximum opening, and accuracy. After this design I looked into different options to produce the T-grip. The result were four standard configurations of the T-grip which would fit almost all hands maintaining high performance.
During my assignment I experienced the advantages of a small business which resulted in nice contacts with my colleagues. Therefore I could always ask someone if I got stuck coding, but also just for a small talk. Additionally, nearly every break involved a game of table tennis, improving not only my academic skills but also my table tennis abilities!

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