During my internship I learned a lot about physical implementation and doing measurements. Under great supervision of HoSt I learned a lot about CHP biomass combustion plants. I also got a lot of experience how to measure correctly and limit the amount of variables in your tests.
I started my internship with a trip to Romania to perform tests on the air supply of a new RDF f ired CHP plant. HoSt installed more flow sensors and controllable valves in the plant to better understand and control the air flows entering the furnace. Therefore, I performed validation of the flow sensors and documented the characteristics of the flow valves per hopper under the grate with the corresponding flows entering the furnace.
HoSt operates a few of their plants which allows them to test the mixing of woody biomass with non-woody biomass. The company collaborates with the University of Twente on the BALANS project. In this project, they simulate the combustion and flue gas of a biomass plant with varying mixing ratios of woody and non-woody fuel mixtures. To get insight into the real-world combustion of such a mixture I supervised and reported on various tests. The non-woody biomasses that were available were paprika loof and paper sludge. We also tried to acquire more non-woody biomasses but during my internship, they weren’t available.

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