About this event

Lunch Lecture
67th board: "Parvus numero, magnus merito"
Date and time
May 29, 2024 12:30 - 13:45

Lunch Lecture Qmicro

This week, Qmicro will host a lunch lecture! 

‘Qmicro by Sensirion is a passionate, innovative and intelligent company. With a team of eager and ambitious people, we create and test our own product line of high-tech gas analysis instruments - devices that can accurately measure and monitor gas compositions in industrial process environments or factory automation. Thanks to the use of (micro)chip technology, our gas analyzers, though small in size, are fast and extremely efficient.  

Would you like to know more about our company? Come and visit the Lunch Lecture! 
We are looking forward to meeting you!‘

Sign up for a free sandwich, a can of soda and to learn about career opportunities at Qmicro!


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