Knowledge Centre for Weapon Systems and Munitions

Knowledge Centre for Weapon Systems and Munitions

The internship was hosted at the knowledge center for weapon systems and munitions (KCW&M) of the Materiel and IT Command. This...

PLT Products Haaksbergen

PLT Products Haaksbergen

PLT products is a company that places its focus on automation in the insoles industry. Presently, the production of bespoke insoles for...

PCV Group 2

PCV Group 2

During my internship at PCV Group I participated in three projects. One of these projects was an internal project concerning a proposal...



Reden is an engineering consultancy company with experts in the fields of mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and acoustics. My...


PCV group

I did my internship at PCV group. PCV Group is an engineering company located in the city centre of Enschede. PCV is specialised in...