Candidate Board
Another year has passed for W.S.G. Isaac Newton, and this means that it is again time for the current board to make way for a new one. The candidate board that will hopefully be installed at the general members assembly of Wednesday, February 8, 2023 looks like this:
Chairman: Veralin Staring
Vice-chairman: Kik Hoekjen
Secretary: Roan Spits
Treasurer: Niels Zandberg
Commissioner of External Affairs: Lars de Haan
Commissioner of Internal Affairs: Matthijs Knol
Commissioner of Educational Affairs: Marije ter Horst
The end of a board year and the start of a new board year with a fresh board is of course a good reason for a party, which is why we celebrate it with a constitution drink that will take place on Thursday, February 9, 2023 from 15 :30 in borrelkelder Diepzat.
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